Online - Der Greif, 'New Grounds', Guest Room :

In 2024, my image ‘Turn Left When You Reach The Road Below The Moon’ (2023) was selected for Der Greif Magazine’s latest Guest Room, ‘New Grounds’ which can be viewed on their website here.

Der Greif’s Guest Rooms are monthly online exhibitions with open submissions curated by personalities from the field of contemporary photography and visual culture. For this edition, Hannah Fletcher and Alice Cazenave from The Sustainable Darkroom joined forces with artist and designer Tamsin Green, founder of the Sustainable Photobook Publishing (SPP) network to create the theme: "New Grounds."

This theme considers the critical need to find new grounds for navigating volatile environments, and for building new worlds to come. "New Grounds" speaks to the acknowledgement of the ground as many things; as territory, geopolitics, and multi-species worlds; a series of relations indexing the past, and futures-in-the-making.

"New Grounds" also invites artists thinking with the ground as a means to become located and connected, which may involve unpicking, disassembling and recontextualising. Through the ground we are connected to the earth; on the ground we seek insights and responses. There is no single way to move forward; each person navigates ways of being and belonging.

Our present also calls for new ways of being that center care and collaboration, not only between humans, but also the more-than-human world. We hope to see photography used as a tool to uncover ideas and suggestions of what is to come. Collectively, what "new grounds" can we encounter?

Featured artists include: Mário Birmon, Noy Finer, Aleksandra Krosniak, Nick Gladkiy, Noor van der Wal, Eleonora Bonizzi, Benoit Paille, Viviana Almas, Lera Zilbershtein, Ana Helena Tokutake, Jennifer Cabral, Jillian Bemis, Marina Rozhko, Lea Novi, Alena Ivochkina, Anna Leigh Clem, Li Biletska, Veronika Mol, Nesie Junyi Wang, Marion Belanger, Joe Burrows, Pierre-Eric Baumann, Thomas O'Connor Lacobucci, Angus Carlyle, Samira Gollin, Emma Godfrey Pigott, Alexander Linger, Yuliana Paranko, José Witteveen, Marinos Tsagkarakis, Leanne Wiggers, Amy Gladding, Loïc Bartolini, Vasudev Vashisht, Michał Patycki, Emilie Jacqueline Black, Fernanda Del Barrio Orendain, Alexandra Fuller, Zoe Hamill, Vincent A Glielmi and myself.

About Der Greif:

Der Greif is an award-winning organisation for contemporary photography that unites diverse voices in the arts by providing a vital platform for talent at early stages in their career. Through monthly grants, a vibrant community, and increasing visibility, they create a springboard for emerging artists, image makers, and photographers, guiding their path into the art world and showcase how juxtaposing images from different authors can create new meanings.Their annual print edition has been guest-edited by leading contemporary artists, including Jason Fulford, Broomberg & Chanarin, Penelope Umbrico, Sylvie Fleury, Shirin Neshat, and Torbjørn Rødland.

About The Sustainable Darkroom:

The Sustainable Darkroom are committed to exploring sustainability and its nuances within the world of photography. They acknowledge the role of analogue photography in contributing to the global ecological crisis. As habitat loss, species extinction, ocean acidification, industrial toxicity, environmental racism and more continue to mount - they find it essential to transform our material relationships, in view of more sustainable futures. They continue to evolve with new knowledge and research, so that they are able to provide up-to-date research, resources and support to practitioners that wish to approach their own photographic practice in a more ecologically-considered way. A significant aim is to transform the cultures around darkroom practices - acknowledging the harmful histories surrounding photographic metals and chemistries, and working towards less toxic futures.

About Tamsin Green:

Tamsin is a London-based artist and designer whose practice combines walking, photography, writing and book making. She is the founder of manual.editions and the Sustainable Photobook Publishing (SPP) network, and is currently a PhD practice-led researcher at the University of Westminster. She seeks to cultivate a regenerative practice through developing an ecology of images, materials and making processes. The structure and materiality of the artist book are central to how her work takes shape, with by-products and left-over materials often used to create new works.

For more info on Der Greif, The Sustainable Darkroom or Tasmin Green visit -

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IG: @der_greif / @sustainabledarkroom / @tammidori

Special Thanks -

To Hannah Fletcher, Alice Cazenave & Tamsin Green for their consideration.